
av Tornevall

Fotograf, musiker, filmare. Estetikens alla nyanser i ett, kombinerat med humor och ett förflutet inom vård- nöjes- och programmeringsbranscher.

10 svar på ”Dagens pose: Den bokstavliga posen”
  1. HelloI have 2012 fatboy that i will be changing the pipes on. im hopeing to go to the vh sideshot. my question is does the current prfcormanoe of my bike decline by simply adding these pipes? im considering the heavy breather and power commander but honestly if my proformance is not altered by just adding the sideshots then ill probably just do that. my goal is deeper sound not so much power. as long as power doesnt go down or bike in not runnung leaner ill be happy.

  2. Eu creo que si, ainda que tardemos moitos anos en conseguir contactar ou dar con alguén doutros planetas aqui seguirá habendo científicos que sabrán que lle mandamos algo o espacio pa intentar contactar con outras posibles vidas.

  3. of Gen X and the Boomer generations were once in the shoes of Gen Y today. I wholeheartedly believe much of what GenY is maligned for has far less to do with the stereotypes of their generation and far more to do with the stage of

  4. I believe that avoiding highly processed foods may be the first step for you to lose weight. They might taste beneficial, but ready-made foods possess very little nutritional value, making you eat more simply to have enough energy to get over the day. If you’re constantly ingesting these foods, converting to whole grain products and other complex carbohydrates will aid you to have more power while ingesting less. Interesting blog post.

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