Tags: childfotbollgirlphotosoccersport
- Stories from Reality - Musician | Bedroom DJ | Tug of War | Photographer | DevOps Thomas blends a passion for music, photography, and technology. With a background in 1990s dance music, his journey evolved from early experiments with FastTracker 2 to becoming a DJ and competitor in tug of war. His creative output includes documenting tug of war competitions across Sweden, while also working as a systems developer focusing on WordPress and e-commerce platforms.
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Fantastisk bild ! Du börjar bli grymt bra .
Tack Annelie! 😀
Fast, utan modellen så vetefasen om slutresultatet hade blivit så här 😉
Jag är nog rätt ense med dig på den punkten. Hon är outstanding varje gång 🙂
Naw!!! Så fina foton…på så fina barn
Riktigt bra!