
In 2011, a discussion about music erupted at work. Some colleagues hailed Basshunter as a great artist. I disagreed, asserting that replicating his style was quite easy. Skeptical, my colleagues’ doubt spurred the creation of ”The Competition.”

Initially titled ”T.R.I.T.” – our shared working title referencing my IT company, abbreviated to TR – I renamed the tune to ”The Competition” to avoid potential release issues years later. The cover image, depicting a company competition from January 2014, aligns perfectly with the song’s origins.

Basshunter is known for his upbeat, dance-oriented Eurodance tracks with catchy melodies and repetitive, energetic beats. However, the resulting track diverged significantly from his distinct style, evolving into something uniquely its own. Despite this, I successfully demonstrated that it’s possible to create music that is as good as or better than Basshunter’s, depending on personal taste.

For Legacy Purposes only

av Tornevall

Fotograf, musiker, filmare. Estetikens alla nyanser i ett, kombinerat med humor och ett förflutet inom vård- nöjes- och programmeringsbranscher.

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