
Songs in the digital age often influence each other, especially viral hits. This exploration looks at the viral hits from Fiki and Biser King, focusing on their memorable ”dop dop dop” phrases, and highlights their significance and differences.

So, who or what is this ”Skibidi” about?

When looking for valid sources, I found that viral trends have multiple origins. The focus isn’t who started it first, but rather the origins. Initially, I discovered Fiki before Biser King, but it turned out Biser King came before Fiki. This is a document of investigation, for where I try to find the truth about them Skibs!

Biser King’s ”Dom Dom Yes Yes”

”Dom Dom Yes Yes” by Turkish group Biser King was released on June 1, 2022, but had been performed live and shared on social media since late 2021. It became a viral meme, especially on TikTok, thanks to Yasin Cengiz’s distinctive ”belly dance” (Know Your Meme)​​ (YouTube)​​ (YouTube)​​ (YouTube).

The song’s infectious rhythm and irresistible lyrics ignited a wildfire of popularity, blazing a trail across language barriers and captivating hearts worldwide. As the dance trend exploded in momentum, a wave of social media users and influencers enthusiastically joined the frenzy, showcasing their own thrilling renditions and mesmerizing variations of the belly dance. This surge of user-generated content supercharged the song’s virality, catapulting Biser King and Yasin Cengiz into the stratosphere of internet stardom. The phenomenon dramatically underscored the sheer power of social media platforms like TikTok, transforming once-obscure songs and artists into global sensations virtually overnight.

Fiki’s ”Чупки в кръста”

Bulgarian artist Fiki released his song ”Чупки в кръста” in October 2022. The song features the phrase ”dop dop dop”, which is similar to Biser King’s viral phrase. Fiki’s song focuses on themes of physical beauty and confidence, with playful and suggestive lyrics​​​ (Songtell)​.

The song ”Чупки в кръста (Chupki v Krusta)” by Fiki has a playful and suggestive tone, with catchy phrases and repetitive sounds that make it danceable. Some lyrics might seem nonsensical, but other parts focus on physical appearance and self-confidence, referencing ”silicon, hyaluronic” and ”beautiful body like a goddess” to highlight beauty in modern society. The chorus promotes empowerment and self-assurance, celebrating confidence within the industry. Overall, the song embraces self-expression and body positivity while acknowledging societal beauty standards.

Little Big’s ”Skibidi”

Little Big, a Russian rave band, released ”Skibidi” in 2018. The song became famous for its viral dance and humorous music video. Unlike the works of Fiki and Biser King, ”Skibidi” does not include phrases like ”dop dop dop” or ”dom dom yes yes”. It’s a completely different piece, unrelated to Fiki or Biser King and the only relation is the title ”Skibidi”. Known for its satirical and absurd tone, ”Skibidi” became a global internet sensation with its distinctive dance (Wikipedia)​​ (Internet Archive)​.

Other Skibidi’s: Skibidi Toilet and ”Skibidi Riz”

The ”Skibidi Toilet” series is a viral YouTube Shorts creation by the channel DaFuq!?Boom!, which began in February 2023. The series features a bizarre and humorous narrative involving sentient toilets with human heads that engage in various antics. The music used in these videos often includes remixes of ”Dom Dom Yes Yes” and other popular tracks. This series has gained a massive following, particularly among Generation Alpha​ (Know Your Meme)​​ (Looper)​.

The term ”Skibidi Rizz” emerged from the combination of the viral ”Skibidi Toilet” series and the slang ”rizz”, which means charisma or the ability to flirt effectively. ”Skibidi Rizz” is often used humorously or ironically to describe someone with awkward or poor flirting skills, reflecting the nonsensical and playful nature of its origins​ (The Daily Dot)​​ (Know Your Meme)​.

Thus, while Fiki’s and Biser King’s works are separate, their viral phrases and catchy tunes have played a role in the broader context of internet memes and trends, influencing and being influenced by creations like ”Skibidi Toilet” and the term ”Skibidi Rizz.”

The Role of Nonsense Phrases

Both songs use nonsensical phrases – ”dop dop dop” in Fiki’s song and ”dom dom yes yes” in Biser King’s song – to create a rhythmic and memorable effect. These phrases don’t have specific meanings but make the songs playful, catchy, and easy to remember.

av Tornevall

Fotograf, musiker, filmare. Estetikens alla nyanser i ett, kombinerat med humor och ett förflutet inom vård- nöjes- och programmeringsbranscher.

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