Tiktok tycker till – Folk som slänger SD’s valpropaganda
Många på Tiktok visar sitt missnöje, genom att kasta ”valposten” från SD – eller så eldas det upp.
The DevOps DJ
Många på Tiktok visar sitt missnöje, genom att kasta ”valposten” från SD – eller så eldas det upp.
Experimental ”Dansband vs DNB”!
Beatsyncing is a different way to ”remix” music that is not initially digitalized and therefore not properly synchronized. Normally this refers to acoustically made music. This is an idea that I got through social medias (facebook and tiktok initially) and...
Besides the fact that this is a remake of the 1993’s edition of ”Vart tog den söta lilla flickan vägen” made by Just D, I also realized after a short analyze of the tune that the lyrics is very much...
Experimenting with two different genres, could not decide which one I liked the most. Mixed in titles: Warung – Feral (Extended Mix) and Koarse – Brief Fundamentals. See the backstory at the bottom of the page (before it was finalized).
I’ve seen a lot of questions asked on some places, how to send SMTP traffic over proxies. Noone – as usual has given a proper answer on this really specific problem. Let me explain. I do have a mailserver, but...
Added an extra beat as an experiment on this tune from MC Bellyman’s Youtube channel, featuring Maddy V and Lady MC in a Carbarz Xmas Special 2019. This is a re-edit from the first version (in the bottom of this post).