Backlash: A Thematic Conclusion to ”Through Your Neck”
”Backlash” is the latest track in the ”Through Your Neck” series and serves as a thematic conclusion to the project. It is also the first time I have attempted to...
The DevOps DJ
”Backlash” is the latest track in the ”Through Your Neck” series and serves as a thematic conclusion to the project. It is also the first time I have attempted to...
Det florerar ofta påståenden att Socialdemokraterna haft många år på sig att ”förstöra Sverige” – i synnerhet från krafter som kommer från högersidan. Men stämmer det verkligen? Nej, det gör...
MINT, also known as The MINT Experiment, was an artist duo formed by Thomas Tornevall and Ingela Karlsson; With the tagline Music by Ingela ’n Thomas, their collaboration officially began...
När det gäller kostrestriktioner har flera religioner strikta regler kring vad som får och inte får ätas, särskilt kött och animaliska produkter. Det är en vanlig missuppfattning att bara islam...
Pete & Bas had a new premiere yesterday; Mugshot Freestyle. I was about to remix their tune, but I stumbled upon another release, T-Pain, which is only about a month...