OpenVZ and sit-tunnels (Hurricane Electric) +openvpn
It has come absolutely clear to me that sit-tunneling on OpenVZ is practically impossible. A technician from Hurricane Electric has rounded it up by following comment: Ok, I’ve been handling...
The DevOps DJ
It has come absolutely clear to me that sit-tunneling on OpenVZ is practically impossible. A technician from Hurricane Electric has rounded it up by following comment: Ok, I’ve been handling...
There’s a lots of information of how to use pv together with ”dialog” as a progress indicator for a lots of different projects. For example, even pv shows an example...
The solution below is implemented at one of my recursion-dns servers so it can be used out of the box. Today I discovered that Netflix started blocking tunneled ipv6-routes....
I’ve read a lot of suggestions on how to fix incomplete classobjects and I actually needed to fix those problems myself, in a ecommerce-project. One suggestion I’ve found is to...
BBVote – fast egentligen heter hela projektet Votech – har återigen byggts om! Tanken med Votech är som vanligt att vi inte skall fastna vid omröstningar för Big Brother. Så...