Licensing content

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The Licensing Model

Photos and images

You are welcome to use images and works from this site for non-commercial purposes, provided that you credit the source with a link or name. For commercial use, such as newspaper publication or other public use, a non-exclusive license or special agreement is required. Otherwise, it is very beneficial if you help to spread the material you find on this site.”

The Music and Collaboration

Feel free to download and play my music, as long as you credit me by name. Collaborations, remixes, and similar projects are always welcome. Permissions are granted directly by me, and I generally don’t charge licensing fees. However, I prefer using a ”split share” model, as referred to on SoundCloud. I currently release and distribute all music through SoundCloud, so you’re welcome to reach out to me there for any further inquiries.

Licensing contact

You can contact me via [email protected] or use the contact form here. Otherwise, more contact options are available here.

Tug of War: Klippans Dragkampsklubb – Reasons and purpose

As you may know, all photographs from the tug of war events, which started in March-April 2023, have been published here rather than on the Klippans Tug of War Club’s website. Initially, the club was not even a thought; I was mostly a spectator. It wasn’t until Jessica and I decided to move in together that the idea of a local club in Klippan took shape, as Jessica needed to continue her health training for the move to happen. During the planning, I had already started sharing photos on Facebook and this website, so by the time the club was officially approved in August, many had already become accustomed to finding the photos here. Moreover, since the photos are high-resolution, I saw no reason to publish them in multiple places, especially since they are hosted on the same server.

All images from the tug of war events are licensed in the same manner as other images. Those who desire a high-resolution image of themselves can download it directly from here, instead of from Facebook, which often compresses images. It’s important for us that you credit the source of the image, which helps all of us find each other and benefit from having our own photographer at the tug of war events.

You can find Klippans Dragkampsklubb at