Pete and Bas – Whirlybird just dropped

While waiting for the latest track, ”Vem Får Inte Gå In…” (recently released on Spotify with its English title), I got an idea to remix something with Pete and Bas again. The plan was to draw from their brilliant catalog...

24 november 2024

”S har haft 8 år på sig att förstöra Sverige” – Debunked

Det florerar ofta påståenden att Socialdemokraterna haft många år på sig att ”förstöra Sverige” – i synnerhet från krafter som kommer från högersidan. Men stämmer det verkligen? Nej, det gör det naturligtvis inte. Socialdemokraterna har under de senaste 20 åren...

1 november 2024

What happened to ”The MINT Experiment”?

MINT, also known as The MINT Experiment, was an artist duo formed by Thomas Tornevall and Ingela Karlsson; With the tagline Music by Ingela ’n Thomas, their collaboration officially began with the track Bejeweled, marking the foundation of their group...

30 oktober 2024

Rediscovered ”The Farm” – A lost track from a conflicted bygone era

This weekend, ”The Farm” was rediscovered. Unfortunately, the track only exists as mp3 files for now, as the raw material lost its ”farm samples” (though the beat and Reason files are still intact). I’m sharing this for one simple reason:...

20 oktober 2024