
Vissa dagar är lite tyngre än andra dagar. Då kan man känna sig precis så här…

av Tornevall

Fotograf, musiker, filmare. Estetikens alla nyanser i ett, kombinerat med humor och ett förflutet inom vård- nöjes- och programmeringsbranscher.

5 svar på ”Dagens pose: Stenad”
  1. Nice post. I study something on different blogs everyday. It would always be staitliumng to read content from other writers and follow slightly something from their blog.

  2. Thanks! The reasoning behind the real words was to add an extra challenge of trying to come up with a proper sentence that’s also a funky picture. If you fancy trying it, there are a few tricks to know about. The decoding is completely case insensitive and ignores all punctuation apart from exclamation marks. Each exclamation mark causes the previous word to be repeated .

  3. I hear these lyrics in my head from the song "Fallen Angel" when someone gets on the public stage and is proclaimed 'great' in one manner or another:Hell nobody's perfect One hundred percent No saint, no pope, no king no queen No president But our hunger for heroes Has made us blind We seek salvation From the cup of human kind But every time we hear the voice Of some new abraham We wake too late to realize It was just another scam

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